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    Tarot: On the cards

    The Magician suggests that there is plenty of capability and talent to get things going. Those who are thinking of starting new ventures can do so with confidence.

    Tarot: On the cards


    The cards indicate a learning time for those born under this sign and make the best of this time. It is also the exam time for many and also for those invested in the education process. The High Priestess shows that it is time for contemplation, understanding the process of awareness and the skills to do all of this.

    The Magician suggests that there is plenty of capability and talent to get things going. Those who are thinking of starting new ventures can do so with confidence.

    TAURUS 20 APRIL – 21 MAY

    The Knight of Pentacles indicates travel, work and new directions and also monetary compensation for all that you do. This also applies to the younger lot in your life, whom you are invested in. The Six of Swords shows the journey into a comfort zone especially if a couple and it is calming. There is no need to rock the boat at this juncture. However, certain things do require attention and tricky as they may appear. There are solutions that need to be unique and unconventional.

    GEMINI 21 MAY – 21 JUNE

    Sometimes it is good to let go of all the things that you do and go on a path of exploration. Journeys and learning new things can be very rejuvenating – the Fool card suggests you to be a bit carefree for a while. Meanwhile, the Six of Wands shows that the younger lot will be making good progress in their places of work and ambitions are being realised. In a few months’ time you will see a lot of good being done by them.

    CANCER 21 JUNE – 23 JULY

    Even as opportunities are there (Seven of Wands), you find yourself grappling with one of them and that gives you plenty of sleepless nights. It’s not the ideal scenario, as this particular job makes you feel trapped in some way. Offers do come but they seem innocuous and you are doubtful whether they will serve the purpose. Examine everything before you say no. However, this sticky phase will be over and you will be able to do all the things you are interested in.

    LEO 23 JULY – 23 AUGUST

    Journeys are ahead and it looks like they will be overseas. The Two of Wands shows that this could be like a trip, where it feels educative and something totally new and interesting. The Nine of Cups indicates a happy time with family and friends, who could be accompanying you on such journeys and there are good times ahead that will make good memories in your life. There is also the preoccupation of the youngsters and how they will do or manage their lives.


    Thanks to the presence of an emotionally stable person a senior of sorts that you are able to remain collected and calm. The King of Cups shows this is a strong stable presence, whose inputs are not irrational but logical and practical. This is helpful for decision-making. Good times are ahead as there are gatherings and meetings with friends and this could translate into journeys that are fun and a break away from the routine.


    The Eight of Wands suggests ambitions and drive for achieving big goals. You are talented and creative, so pick on work that makes you shine. As the Star card shows – you will be in the limelight for all the right reasons and the world will see the great capabilities and the kind of work you do with great integrity. This is what all will see and you can pat yourself on the back for the honesty that you practice. Emotionally too, you are in a good place and on top of things.


    You are preoccupied with the career goals of someone close to you and that someone could be your child or sibling. If you are in that age bracket, then you would be going on paths that you did not consider before. That is what the Knight of Wands is showing while The Death card brings about changes in your life – for the better, where you will move from one stage to the next good one. There are happy times as you feel fulfilled about most things.


    The only way to deal with things right now is to think with the head and not heart to ensure you make rational, logical decisions. The Three of Swords tells you that, so proceed with clinical precision about how to go about things. The Queen of Swords endorses this line of thinking, because clarity and leadership go hand in hand and if that is what you are aspiring for, then this is the path ahead. Take lessons from those you think are solid and clear about what they want.


    Family bondings, gatherings and good times are there for most of you as the Ten of Cups is indicating. There will be harmony and peace on the home front along with children, if any. What is even better is that there will be harmonious relationships between couples, partners and those committed to each other. This is also a prosperous, abundant time with regard to money, and you will find yourself at the receiving end of a generous mentor or older person.


    There are challenges ahead that will force you to be aggressive and fight your seeming battles. You will also be regarded as a bully- so if that is not what you want, then tone down your voice when you speak about what you want or don’t want. Ideally remain silent unless you have something significant to add to the conversation. The Hermit indicates a time of loneliness, solitude and a feeling of being out of everything. There are changes ahead, so be prepared for some turbulence.


    Finding different things to do, or even start interesting ventures will be the focus in the coming days. The Knight of Cups suggests new directions, projects and travel. You could be venturing into unknown territories. So doing some research will help avoid surprises. The Death card comes to indicate major changes coming, and could be regarding health too. If there are checkups due, complete them soon. Workwise, there are good things in store- but will take another month or so to show up properly.

    Chitra Mahesh
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