Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week

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CHENNAI: This week are given some simple remedies for protection. Take a pinch of black salt and sprinkle this mixture in the corners of your home- near windows, doors and beds. Leave it for a day or two. Then sweep it off. Salt absorbs negative energy, while pepper further neutralises bad vibrations.
To reduce stress and anxiety:
Sit in a quiet place, and visualise a gentle, green light surrounding you. Say, “Archangel Raphael, wrap me in your Healing Light. Take away all my anxiety and fill me with peace and calm.” Sit with this green light for a few minutes allowing it to dissolve stress and anxiety.
Things are looking complicated at the moment and it has to do with routine work going awry. Look at everything differently and find solutions that are out of the box. That is what The Hanged Man is saying. There is travel on the anvil that too overseas and connected to work and your goals. The Three of Wands shows that you are looking at opportunities you had not considered before this. All these explorative ventures will yield results around mid-2025.
There are celebrations with family and friends. The Three of Cups suggests there are gatherings and get-togethers for a happy time. There could be plenty to drink and eat, and you will have to do things with restraint lest you end up with excess weight and issues related to that. The Empress shows that you are on top of things- being the nurturer and the provider. Many opportunities come your way. So, think if there is potential.
The King of Wands shows that this person is someone in your life who rules the roost. Everything functions around such a personality and he is the one who holds the purse strings. Such a person is also ambitious in a covert manner. The Three of Swords indicates that you are beginning to think more with your head than your heart. With the transition of the year into the next, you will find changes that end old ways of thinking and doing things.
It is likely to take about three or four months to see the result of all your work. The Three of Pentacles shows that. The King of Pentacles shows the presence of a strong individual who is also financially strong and who is supporting and helping you stay on track. However, nothing comes free. So do read the fine print if there is a contract or legal document regarding finances. Being aware keeps you on top of things.
Work and all related things will be the highlight of the week ahead. You will find yourself doing things that enhance your talent, and the workload could be high with plenty of deadlines to be met. The Nine of Wands also reflects on those around you as work will be plenty and interestingly so. The Ten of Wands brings a load that can be tiring and draining to deal with. You will also be uncertain of what you want to spend on.
The Divine is by your side as things go well for you. Even if there is something not so pleasant, it will convert to something good. The Hierophant shows that you are protected and looked after. The Fool card tells you to lighten up a bit and go on explorative journeys. It is time to be carefree and do things that you enjoy. While you don’t have to let others stop you or give you puts, you also need to do things with caution.
Soon it is going to be time to move in directions that will enhance your dreams. The Knight of Cups shows emotional stability and steadiness being offered by someone important in your life. The Eight of Pentacles indicates hard work and rewards for time and effort. It is about significant people in your life who will provide the directions and the goals to be achieved. With the new year coming, there will be new things on the anvil too.
There could be travel coming up regarding work and other collaborative endeavours. The Two of Wands suggests that the time is right and that whatever you put your mind to will show results. Everything is in your favour right now. The Queen of Swords suggests strength, leadership and all qualities to be the best in the world of creativity. You are also acknowledged as someone to contend with and you will ensure that your ideas are translated into action.
With the Justice card on your side, most things are progressing in the right manner. This card is also indicative of how life gets going and there is a silver lining always. The Queen of Cups shows that you are struggling with emotional issues and all things that come your way is for good. It might not seem that way but that is how it pans out. When it comes to work, you are feeling drained and it would do you good to delegate.
The Nine of Swords shows that you are overwhelmed with the happenings in your life. You also have sleepless nights, worrying about one or the other. There is also a lot of overthinking and second-guessing your moves. The Page of Cups, however, shows the presence of a young person, who is holding a fort and also providing the know-how to do things in the manner they should be done in times like this. There is also a possibility of starting something of your own.
Happiness is a comforting relationship with your significant other. Peaceful days and conversations make for a companionable time where understanding and mutual respect reign. The Two of Cups is indicative of that. The Four of Pentacles shows a reluctance to spend money. Analysing what to spend on takes up much of your time and energy. It is also time to show patience and forbearance when it comes to dealing with others, especially the elders.
You are deeply invested in the work of the youngsters in your life and you spend a considerable amount of time helping, giving input and other important things to ensure they do their best. That is the Knight of Wands that shows passion, drive and the will to succeed in the chosen field. The Six of Cups indicates a rather happy time. You also spend time tending to the elderly. You are supported by a strong individual who gives valuable input.