Dr Mohamed Rela’s two lives: World-renowned liver surgeon inside...
“People were fascinated to see a surgeon, especially a Muslim, well-versed in the Ramayanam and its verses. For some, it was intriguing. If you have a...
Explore symbols of modern ambition at Sanjeeva Rao's Chennai art...
Through his powerful imagery, Rao invites viewers to reflect on society’s relentless pursuit of greener pastures and the complexities of progress.
Chennai's new repair cafe initiative teaches children to fix, not...
In a bid to combat waste and promote self-reliance, Chennai has embraced the Repair Cafe movement, offering workshops where children and adults learn...
Last-minute healthy Deepavali treats: Discover wholesome hampers from...
For every festival, AkiMi’s Gourmet comes up with unique and healthy hampers.
Women in Chennai embrace cycling for fitness, freedom and resilience
For many women in Chennai, cycling has become more than just a form of exercise — it’s a source of empowerment, adventure, and personal growth. From...
Photographs communicate something with you: Ace shutterbug Bharath...
His work spans landscapes, architecture, interiors, people, and heritage sites, and has been featured in over 20 books and major design journals...
La Nuit Blanche: A night of arts, culture, and Franco-Indian...
The production will take place from 7 to 8 pm at the Alliance Française premises. Thilagavathi is a National Award-winning artist and the first female...
A journey through abstraction: Celebrating six decades of Amitabh...
Sengupta exhibited widely in Paris throughout the 1970s and 1980s. His work from this period reflects a deep engagement with abstraction and...