New Year, New Beginnings with Tarot: Practical tips and Zodiac insights for a fresh start DECEMBER 23-29
Till New Year, swab the house with salt water. Alternate days swab with lavender and peppermint oil. Then every Tuesday and Saturday, which can be followed through the entire year.

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CHENNAI: As the New Year approaches, here are some tips to ensure you make a good start.
Till New Year, swab the house with salt water. Alternate days swab with lavender and peppermint oil. Then every Tuesday and Saturday, which can be followed through the entire year.
Declutter your whole house by year-end.
Keep your communication extremely clear.
Focus on health.
Work on relationships
Expect delays in work. To avoid it, feed stray cats and dogs as much as possible
Be kind to yourself and others
The King of Wands suggests that the presence of a strong male in your life has many benefits. This person is a leader and can guide you on important aspects of life. It can be a father, uncle, grandfather or anyone who has your respect and admiration. The Temperance card shows that you have to keep your calm and think before reacting. There is potential to go off the handle and precipitate things. When it is money, you think twice before spending.
Whatever you are planning will take about three months or so to start showing results. The Three of Pentacles indicates it is time for renovations, changes, buying new properties and new homes. This can be a good time to move on to the next level. The Magician indicates that you are immensely capable of achieving your goals. However, you need to work hard, consistently and persistently to bring in the financial rewards that you seek. It is hard work combined with a mindset of achieving the highest target.
Most things are in place. It is your mindset that expects perfection in every situation and relationship. It usually does not work that way because it is in the imperfection that happiness is also found. The Five of Pentacles suggests a slight poverty mindset. This can feel frustrating. The Queen of Wands shows you are in command of everything and on top of things. You also have plenty of ambitions and desires to make it big and achieve great things.
Ambitions are high and you are on the way to fulfilling all that you set out to do. The Ace of Cups shows that you will also be helped by the forces to fulfill these desires and goals you have set for yourself. The Chariot indicates that you are on the right track, so have the confidence and forge ahead. The Chariot also shows travel and it will all be for the right reasons. This kind of travel is also to do with work.
It is probably some of the good days ahead when family friends and all other things will be in place. The Ten of Cups shows emotional fulfillment and happiness, while the hierophant shows that you are blessed by the forces from above. The Hierophant is also a prelude to what you should set for yourself in 2025 and among the goals you set being spiritual is also on the list. When it comes to a significant relationship – spouse or partner, you are on good ground.
Everyone around you will be going about their business and aspirations while you will be holding the fort for yourself and the others. The Six of Wands shows the youngsters doing their thing with passion and dedication, and you are keeping house and hearth for their comfort. Sometimes it makes you slightly resentful and lonely, as you find there is not much you can do to be your authentic self. You feel you have to fight to be he. This is what you find hard to reconcile.
The King of Cups indicates a desire to be helped by someone high up and powerful to bring you the comforts and luxuries of life. It is possible, but you will have to identify such a person and work in tandem to understand the rules of success and recognition. The Eight of Swords shows the frustration. This is your doing and you can break out of it anytime you decide. You are careful how you spend money at this time.
Right now, you are the queen of all your surveys. And that is also what the Queen of Swords is indicating. On top of things with great clarity and also knowing which direction one is heading. This is excellent when it comes to future plans. The Nine of Pentacles shows money power. It is not about the amount but about how you can swing things in your favour no matter how unreachable things might appear. Major changes are coming along, so be prepared.
Ambitions and aspirations are riding high right now, and you will be able to harness a lot of your desires into the right channels with the kind of infrastructure and support you have. Work on your plans one by one. Right now, you are debating on two options, the Two of Swords, that seems good to you and you are taking your time to pick the one that resonates most. Everything you are going through now is a learning experience that will teach life lessons.
When it comes to money, you are on your toes literally. The Four of Pentacles suggests that you don’t want anyone to know what you have and what you plan to do. This is somewhat of a tactic that you think will save you from big spending. The Justice card shows that if you have been waiting for justice, then now is the time to fall into place. There is also The Divine that is keeping watch over you in all endeavours.
There is a sense of battle in your mind. It makes you come across as an aggressive person. The Five of Swords indicates this and if you can soften your stance when it comes to dealing with people, it will make things smooth. The Lovers card shows good relationships with your important people and that can bring about a sense of security and peace. This will also spill over to your interaction with others.
There is hostility around you and will be caught up in situations where you have to be strong with your words. The Seven of Wands shows that work combined with nagging from people around will make you irritable and annoyed. You will be forced to retaliate harshly. The Five of Cups shows you to be emotionally vulnerable and feel isolated. Now is the time to look at the good things that are there. It would be advisable to keep control over your thoughts.