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    Tarot: On the cards

    This week has some useful codes for money.

    Tarot: On the cards

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    CHENNAI: This week has some useful codes for money.

    520 741 8- UNEXPECTED MONEY

    Good luck manifesting unexpected money. Quick wins, random gifts, finding money in random places.

    9213140- LONG-TERM INCOME

    Steady, long-term income. If you want to start a business or have good luck with financial investments over the long run.

    4931518641491- DREAM JOB

    Manifest your dream job or career and Ace a job interview.

    87467894- MONEY CONFIDENCE

    Money confidence. Learning about finances, stock market, real estate, fixing your credit.

    ARIES (20 MARCH – 20 APRIL)

    The Page of Pentacles suggests new directions, collaborations and ventures, which will be driven by those in the younger age group. This could also herald new ways of doing things. The Sun card brings limelight, attention and new beginnings that are filled with tremendous potential. Ensure you don’t have unrealistic expectations of people or situations. Ideally, things need to be taken step by step, instead of cramming all.

    TAURUS (20 APRIL – 21 MAY)

    You are witness to a good marriage, partnership and an association – and this is indicated by the Six of Swords. The Knight of Pentacles shows new directions, areas of work and money-making abilities for those in your life and for you too. There are a lot of overseas connections, travel and collaborations on the anvil as you go along. Most of these have to do with work, and its allied aspects. This will spill over to your loved ones too.

    GEMINI (21 MAY – 21 JUNE)

    You could be feeling carefree and wanting to throw caution to the winds as you go along. Travel and explorations could be uppermost in your mind. However, there must be caution applied, lest you land yourself in places that are detrimental to you. That is The Fool card and the Three of Swords suggests that you think things through. As far as finances are concerned, there is nothing to worry about.

    CANCER (21 JUNE – 23 JULY)

    Charity could be the things uppermost in your mind right now- the Six of Pentacles shows that you are giving a lot of yourself to others in kind, and in terms of finances too. Whatever you do, ensure that you do them silently without making a fuss. The Queen of Cups however shows that there is much emotional turbulence going on right now, and while you are seeming to be doing well, there is quite a storm inside.

    LEO (23 JULY – 23 AUGUST)

    Financially, you are in a good place now as the King of Pentacles is assuring. There is even a chance for some family money being given to you as you go along. The King of Pentacles is also a card to assure you that when it comes to money, you are well provided for. The King of Cups shows that you are under the care of someone emotionally stable, and that person is truly in command of situations in your life.


    Harmonious relationships with those significant relationships in your life are the things that keep you going. The Four of Swords shows that plans you have in your mind will take about four to five months to show themselves physically. There is that gestation time for you to wait for things to unfold and become externalised in your world. The feeling of being on your own is strong, and this makes you a bit melancholic. The Divine walks with you.


    When it comes to the energy of money and money matters, you have built up a tidy sum that will see you through the days ahead for most of your needs. The Seven of Pentacles shows this, while the Ten of Swords indicates a lot of uncertainty even if money is present. This could be due to current situations. Meditation or any other form of quietude could help. Meanwhile, there is harmony on the personal front. So count your blessings.


    There are a lot of unrealistic expectations- could be people, situations and most things around you. You could be expecting ideal things but that is not what life is about. The Seven of Cups shows that and try to look at all that you have instead of what is not there. The Queen of Swords shows a sharp person in your life. This clarity is what drives you to do what you do and you could be perceived as scheming.


    Debating over money matters could be dominant this week, as you contemplate expenses. The Two of Pentacles shows that sometimes you have to spend on what is needed without thinking much. The Star shows attention and limelight for your work and what you stand for. This is a good time, image-wise, and you will be perceived as a star. Any plans you have will take about three to four months to show signs of reality.


    The Temperance card indicates a lot of emotional turbulence and you feel it is hard to even stay on the surface of an imaginary pool of emotions. What you need now are forbearance and patience to go through this phase. Death is a card that shows the prelude to changes. These changes are needed for your growth and evolution, so accept what comes in good spirit. And you will find in retrospect that you are quite the champ.


    Having a strong focused person in your life is helping you live a life of principles and strong decisions. This person, who is like an Emperor, gives you direction and guidance on handling situations and people. The Six of Wands indicates that you are invested in the work of youngsters and you are one of those who is driven to explore new avenues of work and career goals. Whatever you do, you have a strong sense of decision-making.


    Complicated week ahead, where you will be in battle mode, and possibly have arguments, conflicts and tricky situations. Innovative ideas can sort them. All this is indicated by the appearance of the Five of Swords. The Five of Wands shows all this, particularly at the work front and also in your personal space, where people could intrude despite you wanting to avoid it. It would be best if you take a step back on most matters and deal with them.

    Chitra Mahesh
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