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    Tarot: On the cards

    This week do try this switchword which is powerful and effective if done right

    Tarot: On the cards

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    CHENNAI: This week do try this switchword which is powerful and effective if done right



    There is a lot of learning, enrolling in courses and also formal training for either the future or in the work you are already doing. This is a phase where you will learn a lot. The High Priestess shows this, and the Goddess of Learning is right now at your call. The Queen of Pentacles reveals that while you learn you prepare for a lot of abundance and well-being. You could be a healer. You also help others.


    This week is all about the goals and directions of the ones you are involved with in terms of the work. The Four of Pentacles shows that you have the money, but you will be hard-pressed to figure out how much to spend and on what. This could make you a bit secretive. The Hermit comes to tell you that you are feeling isolated and maybe a bit unsupported. But your Higher Self is always with you.


    While you grapple with the perks of having abundance and money, there could be some tension about collections and spending patterns. The Two of Pentacles show that you are trying to maintain a balance between overspending and using the resource for a good purpose. The Sun card shows that children are doing well and you are spending a lot of time with those who make you happy. There is travel ahead and this will bring in work.


    You are fighting many battles. The Five of Swords shows that you are doing things that make you seem like an aggressive and argumentative person. The Four of Wands, however, reflects a happy home environment and personally, you are in a decent space. At least those who are closest to you are in sync with you. You are perceived as someone doing extremely well and a lucky person. This could bring bad vibes around you. Protect yourself.


    The Empress card shows that you are in command of things and the chief nurturer who holds things together. This is a pleasant thing for you as you are in your element when things fall into place around you. However, the Moon card indicates that your mind does play its tricks and makes you more insecure. This kind of an overactive mind will not allow you to enjoy the good things around you.


    It is your good karma that you are being guided by the Higher Forces. These forces walk along with you. The Hierophant tells you this. The Seven of Pentacles shows plenty of accumulated money and finances in your life. You can afford to sit back and enjoy doing all the things you wish to. However, it is your thoughts and feelings that need reigning in. Strength is what you need now.


    This week is all about work. The Three of Wands shows travel. There are overseas connections- again related to work, and conflicts and counterarguments are going on at this point. This is indicated by the Seven of Wands. Any point to be made can be logical and done calmly to ensure others’ cooperation. Make efforts to win the odds and go ahead boldly in all your ventures. Success is sure to follow.


    Feeling bound and tied down could be the predominant feeling in the days ahead. You have too many ideas in your head and not all of them can be implemented all at once and that can be frustrating to you. The Eight of Swords is showing this, while the Nine of Cups indicates a happy home circumstance. You are satisfied with the way things in your life are progressing. Ambitions and drive are two things that keep you going.


    You are right now burdened with a lot of work. The Ten of Wands shows you are handling a lot more than you can feel comfortable about, but it is what it is. You do not delegate things and insist on doing everything yourself. The World card comes to show that finally things are going your way and there are resolutions in many matters that were tricky all this while. It is an upward swing from now on.


    What you need most now is total Strength. And that is the card that also shows up. Time to keep emotions, feelings and responses under control so that you properly make good decisions and progress. The Ten of Pentacles shows abundance and there could also be resolution of property deals, family inheritances and court cases. But these will bring about major changes in your life. It is time to move out of the comfort zone.


    You could be involved in activities that bring in the younger lot and others close to you. The Page of Wands shows that you will take happiness from those who are doing good with their work and career. The Queen of Swords suggests you to be strong, authoritative and a leader when it comes to making decisions and forging ahead with the affairs that concern governance and rule. However, the issue of money is present.


    An emotionally turbulent time ahead. So make your responses clinical and deliberate. The Temperance card asks you to have forbearance especially when it comes to relationships and moods of the others. The Seven of Cups tells you not to have unrealistic expectations. Allow things to flow and accept things as they come. You are in sticky situations constantly and think out of the box to deal with them. Your way of dealing will make the difference.

    Chitra Mahesh
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