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    Tarot: On the cards

    Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week.

    Tarot: On the cards

    ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

    It is a harmonious week ahead, especially for women as most things will be in order. Wheel of Fortune shows the aligned mode of abundance. The Nine of Pentacles shows money matters being in control and you will be putting extra efforts to ensure the books are in order. On the personal front, there is a sense of calm when it comes to your significant relationships. Even if you want to change things around, you fear you will be rocking the boat.

    TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

    Some things on your mind will come to fruition in about four months’ time- and now is the time to allow the flowering process to happen. The Four of Swords shows this gestation period. And finally, the outcome is joyous celebrations along with good times with family and friends as the Three of Cups shows. There could be the arrival of a new person or that children do well in study or jobs. The Three of Cups shows the presence of an additional person.

    GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

    The Ace of Cups shows that you are keeping your calm and allowing things to flow, instead of adding to the confusion. In many ways, this is a peaceful phase now. The Emperor comes to tell you that there is someone like him who can guide, mentor and point out the best direction. Meanwhile, you are equipped with all the skills and creativity. But unless you give it time and the due respect, this sense of completion will be there.

    CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

    Even as you know that frustrating times keep coming, you find it hard to ignore the mind. It includes disturbances in relationships, of clashing ideas and several other products of a fertile imagination. The Nine of Swords shows the mind to be in turmoil and could also suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders. The Hierophant is the guide, master or whatever you choose to call, keeps you grounded and guided. This feeling of being suppressed in many ways keeps playing up.

    LEO (July 23 - August 22)

    The Queen of Cups shows that there is some emotional turbulence, especially when it comes to partnerships, spousal relationships, or even young family members. The Lovers card shows a harmonious relationship with your significant other- even if boring sometimes. This card also points to common goals. There is also hard work that you are tackling well, and even if you feel down at times, you work ourselves out of it. This also means monetary benefits come with such good hard work.

    VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

    It is time to be explorative, carefree, and travel to all the places in your bucket list. While you can be feeling carefree, be cautious where you land up. Some places are either toxic, or not vibrant in a good manner. The High Priest shows that you have a lot of lessons to be learnt and that truly is the purpose right now. She comes to impart knowledge and skills that will make you become a name to reckon with.

    LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

    When it comes to work, it is a good time now. You could get good news from overseas that will help decide the future course of the work you do. The Page of Swords shows a clear-thinking person who knows that he/ she wants out of a good work life balance. Offers for work will keep coming- sometimes you could be overlooking them. This is the Four of Cups that makes you a bit moody and grumpy. Workload is high now.

    SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

    Everything is going well-rather in the best possible manner. But some lessons will also come along. The Justice card comes to see what actions of yours have manifested externally. And this very clearly will depend on the lessons learnt. But the Seven of Cups shows that having unrealistic expectations of people and places are your achilles heel. Meanwhile, work is coming hard and fast and you are trying too many things like a juggler and that can be unproductive. Pick one responsibility.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

    You are pretty much capable of just about anything, provided you put your mind to it. The Magician card is indicative of all this. So push yourself forward and attend to your work. The Knight of Cups shows the presence of a young person and their work goals. You admire this person and also wish to emulate such good work ethics. Changes are in the air and be prepared to meet the challenges that will be difficult to maneuver but fun too.

    CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

    At this point there is nothing to worry about so long as you don’t have a poverty mindset. Think great abundance all the time, and it will be drawn to you mystically. The Five of Pentacles is showing this. The Ace of Swords shows purpose, clarity and steadiness in purpose that will serve you well. Other than the logistics, there also needs to be a timeline to finish. Whatever you are working towards, will start showing results in about three to four months.

    AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

    The World card shows all in place and you are on top of things. This card is also one of happiness in the possession of worldly things and while that makes you happy, it also puts you in a state of abundance. There is a neat pile built up, so there are no glitches when it comes to money matters. The Seven of Pentacles shows this part of the mood of the week. There will be frustrating moments, but ignore them.

    PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

    Big changes are coming up for most of you. But while they are likely to be disruptive, they are also transforming you from one level to the other. This is necessary as this is how you get to be the best version of yourself. The Page of Pentacles indicates the earning and work capacity of a youngster in your life and you put all efforts into making this a success. It also has to do with starting new business ventures.

    Chitra Mahesh
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