Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week

If you are contemplating travel overseas and expansion of work-related activities, then now is the time when it will come together. The Three of Wands suggests that you are planning and would like to take things to a good conclusion. For that, you need to move from where you are and go on an explorative journey. The Sun card indicates success limelight and additions to your stable. There could also be a child coming into your life. Or let’s just say new life!
All indications are that you are a happy camper right now with things being in your favour. Most of your wishes are in order, and you are somewhat content with your lot now. That is the Nine of Cups showing satisfaction and emotional stability. The Chariot shows that everything is going in the right direction and whether you agree or not, the grand plan is at play, and everything is going as per that. Mid-year, you will have youngsters going on journeys.
This is a time when you will be thinking with your head and not heart. So decisions will be logical and practical that help to move forward. This approach is good because sometimes, emotional words can backfire, instead of moving forward. That is the Three of Swords telling you that. The Six of Swords shows a cohesive relationship with your partner at this point in time. And for you too, you would like peace above proving a point with this person.
As you are fighting your battles, there is also a ray of hope in the form of a new entrant into your life. This will enhance your emotions and a feeling of joy and stability as this combination leads to a happier state of mind. The Sun Card shows limelight, new beginnings and also someone who will brighten up things. The Knight of Swords shows how you go about your ideas and not stop till you get to your goal.
The Ace of Cups shows an emotionally fulfilling time, but that seems temporary as you could be overwhelmed with your thoughts that are dragging you down. You could be feeling empty and not knowing what direction to go- you will be full of scenarios that are just illusions. Better to leave it to the universe to take the lead. The Ten of Swords shows this frustration and uncertainty, and the fact that you are feeling pinned down and somewhat stuck in some situation.
The presence of a strong male – ambitious and weighty in opinions- is the one who influences you the most. The King of Wands shows that you are mostly in alignment with what is being told to you. That is also because you are very ambitious about what you want to achieve, but this is not obvious, nor is it a demanding need. The Eight of Wands shows that you can do a lot of creative things and be admired for it too.
It is good that you have immense clarity about what you want to achieve. This clarity is what will bring in the results, and don’t get confused along the way. The Ace of Swords is what shows this, and in today’s uncertain times, clarity and focus are what will come to your rescue when you want to forge ahead. The Four of Wands shows a happy home environment that you thrive on. The only thing is to keep your emotions under control.
You are in a good place when it comes to finances. There is a neat pile of savings that makes you secure. The focus now is not on finance, but in doing well and achieving all that you have been wanting for a long time. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that and more. The Four of Pentacles however shows that despite the savings, you are still very careful about what you spend on and keep holding your income close to your chest.
All of life is a learning experience, and you seem to be having many lessons to deal with. There is a silver lining even in difficult situations. You will face everything with equanimity. The High Priestess shows that you are dealing with many things that are teaching you patience, and a sense of being strong enough to deal with anything. The Page of Pentacles indicates the start of some new venture that will not just do well financially, but also bring you satisfaction.
It is probably time for you to concentrate on the things that you have, and be grateful. There needs to be some sort of self-introspection that will show you where you are lacking in some actions, and where you can do better with a deep sense of gratitude. That is the Judgment card that comes to show this. Meanwhile, the partnership between you and your significant other is peaceful. This brings harmony to the home, and makes everything else a breeze to do.
It is a bit of an emotionally draining time for you. The Temperance card tells you to have forbearance and tolerance to keep peace and harmony. It is difficult no doubt, but, here is the learning process for your own personal growth. The Five of Wands shows the environment is ripe for hostility, arguments and fights that will be draining and painful. The best you can do is to keep silent, and not rise to the bait on anything.
If you can be transparent and open about your dealings, then it will go a long way in perceptions about you being positive. The trouble is that you tend to keep things to yourself and do things with a touch of stealth that once revealed does not show you in a good way. Be open and enjoy your life to the fullest as the Three of Cups shows. There is much to celebrate, and you know that more than anyone else.