Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week

A lot of things seem complicated right now. Out-of-the-box observation is required. Come up with unique solutions for issues that are bothering you. The Hanged Man indicates this. The Page of Pentacles shows the progress and the financial potential of the young lot in your life. You could be invested heavily in their ventures or you could be a cheerleader egging them on to do well. You are also not in the mood to take everything that comes your way.
You are safely taken to the shore by the forces above. Also, if in a relationship, you are well taken care of which is comforting. Not exciting but feels sedate. The Six of Swords shows that you are secure and led in the right direction. You might want things to be exciting but you are playing it safe. The Queen of Swords shows that you are in control of things and have the clarity to make appropriate decisions. You are also spiritually supported.
The Empress card shows that you are on top of things and completely in command. While you are the nurturer, you also attract all things good into your and those around your lives. However, you also go through the lows as your feelings and emotions can take over and keep you feeling unappreciated. There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Everything changes. Financially you are in a good place.
If you work with youngsters, things will move forward faster than expected. The Knight of Cups indicates freshness and the zeal to conquer the world and find new directions to enhance the work being done. This also means travelling to new places for opportunities. The Three of Wands shows travel. There could be collaborations and associations that will prove fruitful. It is a time for good things as well as limelight and attention.
Keep your expectations from others low to be happy. Leave no room for disappointment because that will be the outcome if you think people will be the way you behave. That is the Seven of Cups telling you about unrealistic expectations. The Page of Cups shows new things developing in the youngsters’ lives. Also, be prepared for big changes coming up that will change things quite a bit. Later you will realize that they are for the good.
Change is highlighted for many of you and this can be unsettling. The Death card comes to remove anything that does not serve you anymore. It can be unnerving at first. But this is for the best and everything that happens is for your growth. And it can be a bit painful. The Lovers card shows the close association with someone special – spouse/ partner. It is a time for renewed associations and togetherness. Go with the flow.
Right now, you are in demand for all the right reasons, and you will be sought after when it comes to the elderly and all those who seek love and kindness. The Six of Cups also demonstrates your empathetic nature. The Two of Pentacles indicates you are conservative with your spending and habits. You are careful with money. Meanwhile, you are in a good, comfortable relationship, but it can sometimes be a bit boring. This reflects the quintessential state of marriage and long-term relationships
There is likely to be a lot of hostility and arguments. It will be in the work area when there will be resistance to your ideas and opinions. Whatever you say, it will hurt or upset them – enough to retort or pick a quarrel. Modify statements if needed. The Five of Cups shows that you are feeling isolated. This will take the joy away from all the good things that are there in your life. You are protected by the higher forces.
It is time for success, recognition and abundance. The Ace of Pentacles indicates that time is getting better. There are new ways of doing things and if in business, there are chances of new beginnings and startups. Your mind may believe every negative thing that is fed to you. The Seven of Swords shows this aspect and if you can keep that in control good times are ahead with celebrations and plenty of happy gatherings.
The Knight of Wands suggests travel, exploration and new directions when it comes to work and work-related activities. And this will be a driven activity where you will want to check every aspect in detail. You will be willing to go all the way to achieve. And the Five of Pentacles tells you that all this is within your scope. But you must get rid of the poverty mindset. You will also be sought after for your kindness and empathetic nature.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates a prosperous situation when it comes to money and money matters. There is plenty and more to spare. The Two of Wands shows travel and possibly overseas for you or someone close to you. This will also pave the way for better things in terms of work and increments that are long due. Right now, you can choose to do whatever you wish to do. Also, you are on top of things when it comes to monetary benefits and savings.
You are in a good place with a happiness quotient and fulfillment of certain desires. The Nine of Cups shows happiness and contentment with your lot and you are in a good place. There are many things in your life to make you a happy camper. The World card is an additional endorsement for happiness and fulfillment. Travel and experiences are all yours for now. But you will have to come back to battle-like situations that can be annoying.