Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week

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Going on journeys for work and new directions are indicated for those born under this sign. It has to do with new interesting projects and collaborations – could be overseas too. That is what the Six of Wands is indicating. Meanwhile, the Page of Swords shows that you have all the ideas with great clarity and are willing to go that extra mile to achieve what is in your mind. The Angel Message (Archangel Michael) for this sign is to be organised and logical.
The Three of Wands shows overseas journeys ahead. These will pave the way for many good things that will start to show up in about 3 to 4 months’ time as the Three of Pentacles shows. You could also be doing some renovation, building or buying property that will need changes. This is a good time for rebuilding your life. The Angel Message (Four of Air) is that this is a time to take rest. Meditation will help you get answers to questions.
There is nothing wrong in your world or in the way people are around you. This is the cue one gets from the Nine of Cups which also shows you to be in a balanced state of mind. This could also be because the money situation is in place as the Seven of Pentacles shows. The Angel Message (Two of Water) for you is that there is a relationship that continues to grow. If there is any forgiveness to be done, do it.
If there is any plan to start something new, now is the time as per the Page of Pentacles. Additionally, this card augurs well if you work with the new gen who seems to know what to do. It will also be rewarded financially and that is the test of the work being done. The Queen of Cups shows emotional upheavals that are disturbing and brings about some kind of stagnancy. The Angel Message (Knight of Water) shows the need to balance emotions.
Happy family times are indicated where there is a closeness, and there are gatherings that bring you contentment. The Ten of Cups shows a happy family that you belong to, and that is your source of peace. The Ace of Cups further endorses the Ten of Cups card with emotional stability and you are in a place where you feel there is much to be grateful for. The Angel Message (Three of Air) tells you to heal past regrets, forgive yourself and others.
The Ten of Pentacles shows money power and also its inflow through family sources. It is all around you and there is good money consciousness which helps to bring in more abundance. The Two of Wands shows travel- internal as well as overseas- mostly connected with work. This will also go a long way in spreading the word of your talent. The Angel Message (Four of Fire) is for you to understand and be content with the abundance that is around you.
Sometimes you refuse or don’t see the opportunities being offered to you. You have set your sight on something and that is only what you want, disregarding the many things that present themselves to you. That is the Four of Cups saying this. The Temperance card comes to tell you to have patience as life unfolds. The Angel Message (The Moon) tells you that you are very observant. All you have to do is to release the fears that hold back.
The work of youngsters seems to occupy your mind largely. Or it could be that you work a lot with the younger age group. The Page of Cups shows that here is where you get your emotional stability and contentment. The King of Wands shows someone you can rely on totally. This person is driven and work oriented. The Angel Message is (Ten of Air) that you are at the end of a difficult situation. You can expect better things coming your way.
Being ambitious is paramount now as the Ace of Wands is indicating. You are also supported by strong forces in what you want to achieve. Here is where your strength in your purpose is needed. But the Moon Card appears to show that there is also confusion in your mind not allowing you to fully see the potential. The Angel Message (Archangel Chamuel) is that there could be a significant life event, and this will change equations. Spread your wings and fly high.
Someone strong in your life- father, grandfather, mentor, husband, brother- are influential and impact your decisions subtly or otherwise making them indispensable when it comes to emotional stability. That is the King of Cups showing. And the Two of Cups shows plenty of companionship between couples and a togetherness that is good and refreshing. The Angel Message (Seven of Earth) is that if seeds are well planted, you get good trees. Do not worry needlessly over the small things.
Looks like you are in a rather hostile environment. The Eight of Swords shows the helplessness caused by no other than you being put in a situation not much to your liking. Try to ignore what annoys you and keep going. The Five of Wands again shows differences of opinions that keep you from feeling fulfilled. You are annoyed, others are irritated, and things are just not what you want. The Angel Message (Nine of Air) is not to keep expecting the worst.
The time is right for happy gatherings and friendships. The Three of Cups shows good times and enjoyment with those you really care about. The Ace of Pentacles shows work going well, and money being made with ease. Also the Universe is fully supportive of all your endeavors and you are in a happy place where you are secure and feeling fulfilled. The Angel Message (Archangel Raguel) is about making fair and just decisions. Do what is right.