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    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

    After a challenging period at work, there is an opportunity for celebration.

    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

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    ARIES (20 MARCH - 20 APRIL)

    After a challenging period at work, there is an opportunity for celebration. The Ten of Wands signifies a demanding time when you have been working excessively without a chance to take a break, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed. Then comes the renewal represented by the Three of Cups, which indicates brighter days and a more emotionally fulfilling experience with family and friends. However, you find it difficult to shake off the feeling of being constrained, which hinders your ability to appreciate good company fully.

    TAURUS (20 APRIL- 21 MAY)

    You are feeling frustrated and pinned down. You are caught in circumstances beyond your control. That is the Ten of Swords telling you. Not just that, you are also feeling isolated from all that has been familiar to you. While this is a passing phase, practice going with the flow and the pause will greatly help. The Five of Cups asks you to look around and feel happy with the good things that are there.

    GEMINI (21 MAY- 21 JUNE)

    You are a giving person and you give a lot of your attention, love, money, things, and food. Not for once tell yourself that you are giving and feel even a slight sense of appreciation for your deeds. The Six of Pentacles shows that giving to others is right on your mind now. The Magician has come to assure you that you have everything within you to do whatever you wish to do. All you need is patience, grit and conviction. There is travel coming up.

    CANCER (21 JUNE - 23 JULY)

    New journeys and directions are indicated over the next few days- it is also the start of new projects that need attention. That is the Knight of Cups, which also indicates that work will be mostly with the younger lot of people. The World card shows that you are now in a place of great comfort and fulfillment. There is also more harmony and happiness on the personal front. Family-wise, it is a more peaceful time.

    LEO (23 JULY- 23 AUGUST)

    Most Leos are extremely strong and firm in their opinions and sense of freedom and independence. Yet they look up to the younger lot, believing there is much to learn. The predominant trend of the cards (Page of Swords and Page of Cups) shows a preoccupation with male children – if any- or others who are close to you. Their work, clarity and everything they do make you glad and proud. Of course, this extends to the other males in life.


    There is tremendous grace from the higher sources, either through the energies of ancestors or the divine beings. The Hierophant tells you this. You have to keep your end of the deal by doing things right with good intentions. Or you could feel tied down to your worldly engagements and entanglements, as indicated by the Eight of Swords. It is imperative to say at this point that happiness is an inside job and that being in sync with Divinity will take you far.


    You can look forward to a good time regarding finances, well-being, work, and overall development. The Ace of Pentacles shows increased prosperity and abundance supported by The Universe. The Ace of Swords shows great clarity about what you want to do and achieve. This clarity is the cornerstone of all your plans for the future. Keep a grip on your spending habits.


    The time is such that you are likely to be overwhelmed by too many things leaving you emotionally drained and under the weather. A combination of physical and mental stress will keep you restricted and bound by the circumstances around you. The Queen of Cups shows that while you are in a commanding position, you are also going through a hard time. The Two of Swords indicates indecision and a wavering mind about what you need to do. Right now, you want to disappear from everything.


    The influence of a strong male is noticeable and that makes you want to do everything by the book. You want to make this person proud. The King of Cups shows that this also brings you emotional support and strength. The Knight of Pentacles indicates journeys and projects that are financially viable and good for the overall financial health of the organization or business. You are also likely to start something new for which you are prepping now.


    The Seven of Wands shows friction, hostility and harsh words at work. You would like to lead when it comes to duties and other aspects of work. All you can do to smoothen things is to have empathy and gentleness while dealing with different viewpoints. The Four of Cups shows a reluctance to accept opinions. Cut some slack, go with the flow and do what suits the best. New directions and projects are coming soon which will bring happiness.


    Finances come under your scrutiny as you feel that there are plenty of expenses. Even otherwise, you are careful about spending. The Four of Pentacles shows this aspect as you put down a list of expenses to budget. The Lovers card indicates amicability and companionship with the significant other, making life simple and sweet. Now is the time to make difficult decisions, if any. Meanwhile, the younger lot in the family will financially do well.


    You choose not to rock the family boat. You allow for changes and stay on course so that, things don’t become big issues. The Six of Wands is indicative of this. This is better than having arguments on everything. The Three of Swords shows that you have a good head over your shoulders. You make decisions unemotionally which is mostly productive. This can be perceived as being cruel-hearted. But sometimes one needs to be cruel to be able to bring in the best.

    Chitra Mahesh
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