Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week

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Being in two minds about ideas, and general hesitation to choose between options are likely in the coming days. The Two of Swords indicates this state of mind now, while The Hanged man shows you have tricky situations to deal with and the best way to do that is to think out of the box. This will bring in refreshing solutions. Here are questions you can ask yourself- have you been magnanimous? Help someone, but not because there is something in it for you.
The Seven of Wand shows you at odds with some of the things you do. It is mostly concerned with work and you are finding it hard to let others know what you are capable of. The lack of recognition makes you fight yourself. The Star card shows your actual worth. You have star qualities and all you need to do is to put it out there for all others to acknowledge. Only when you feel abundant can you give with joy.
You are right now in a good position when it comes to home, hearth and wealth. There is your will that prevails on family matters. They may not like what you say and advocate, but they will realise the wisdom of all that you say and do for them. That is the Queen of Pentacles that shows this. The Knight of Pentacles shows journeys and progress of those you are very invested in – for example, children. They are on a path to great achievement.
Even if you feel you are alone and that you are meant to do things all on your own, it is not so. The Hermit card tells you that there is a higher power that guides you away from intense loneliness and isolation. The Eight of Wands indicates plenty of work happening. However, it would be wise to concentrate on one thing at a time to build it up well. You need to ask yourself if you are pushing yourself too much?
It is time for some introspection and assessment of your life so far. It is not as grim as it sounds. But every now and then, there is a reality check and also to figure out what is important. The Judgement card comes to tell you that these are what determine further consequences. So ideally, live with awareness of your thoughts, actions and intentions. The Five of Wands indicates some hostility, arguments, differences of opinions and perhaps even solid fights around you.
Things are going as per the plan – and even if you don’t feel this way, it is going exactly as it should. That is the Justice card telling you that and you may go with the flow. The Ten of Cups shows a happy family situation where there is much interaction with the members and there are occasions to feel happy about. Emotionally, this is a better time than any other. Eat more foods that strengthen and purify the blood in your body.
There are likely to be offers to do great projects that are financially rewarding. The Page of Swords shows that this is born out of the clarity of what one wants out of talent and skill. The Devil shows a good bonding with the significant other and while it could be a bit boring, it is a safe time when it comes to relationships. Do check if sloppiness is becoming a part of your life now? Feed crows for ancestral healing.
Doing good work and helping others are on top of the head right now. The Six of Pentacles shows many charitable acts that seem to be second nature to you. The Six of Cups shows harmony and being the favorite of almost all, especially the elderly who look to you for succor and joy. The more you give of this, the more good things flood your life. What you give comes back multifold. Check what words you use about yourself?
The Empress card shows the reign of the women in your life which is a strong presence that influences your decisions. There is also a possibility of additions to the family as the fertility symbol is also part of the empress. The Ace of Wands indicates work- and work-related activities going well, and you are supported by well-wishers. You are doing good in taking things in the right direction. Are others setting up stifling boundaries for you? Also follow your intuition.
There is plenty of money right now which comes from various sources that include family and close friends. The Ten of Pentacles shows this, and it would be good to invest part of it. The Chariot shows that things are moving in the right direction and there are journeys to be made and for matters that enhance lives. Do check if you are acting impulsively? Before making a decision sit in silence and let the answers come to you instead of rushing them.
Currently what you need most is patience and to be kind to those you interact with. The Strength card comes to tell you that situations are complex and they will test your patience and intelligence. You need forbearance and tolerance at this point in time. The Six of Wands shows that the younger lot in your life will be making good strides when it comes to work and work travel. There is passion, ambition and drive to get to where they want.
You would like to run away to someplace safe where you don’t have to share your thoughts with others. That is also because a lot of them are the stealthy kind (Seven of Swords) and you are also afraid of being judged. Your words sometimes are hurtful- so if you can ensure that does not happen, it would make you a more endearing person. The Fool card shows that you want to be carefree and shorn of responsibilities. Do things that defy your nature!