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    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

    Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week

    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

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    ARIES (20 MARCH - 20 APRIL)

    On the work front, there could be tensions and differences of opinions as ideas clash and not everyone is on the same page. This leaves many feeling that things are not moving as per the original plan. The Five of Swords is out there telling that being harsh and abrasive never helps those being ambitious. The right way would be to pull others along the journey and ensure that you have their cooperation. Meanwhile, you have good support from your spouse or partner.

    TAURUS (20 APRIL- 21 MAY)

    Six of Pentacles shows you to be in a charitable frame of mind giving generously of yourself and of material things to those you think need it. This kindness will indeed come back multifold if done with the right intentions. The Four of Pentacles indicates allocation, compartmentalising available resources and a strict rule of no desire, only necessities policy when it comes to spending. There is enough drive, passion and the strength of conviction to go after what you believe is yours.

    GEMINI (21 MAY- 21 JUNE)

    A happy home and a happier lot of those who reside there makes life satisfying. The Four of Wands suggests togetherness when it comes to all members of the family. There are shared goals, and a sense of working together for a common purpose. The Page of Swords shows someone who is determined and is also very clear about the direction that needs to be followed. Apart from this, there is also a magician-like quality around where you will feel anything is possible.

    CANCER (21 JUNE - 23 JULY)

    If you are waiting for something to show up in your life, you will need to wait for about four to five months. The Four of Swords asks you to be patient while the wait gets more difficult. The Devil is a card that comes to tell you that while it can be frustrating, the results will be totally worth it. There is a good partnership going on between you and your significant other and makes the waiting all the more pleasant.

    LEO (23 JULY- 23 AUGUST)

    There are journeys to be made in the metaphorical state as well as physical. The Three of Wands shows work related journeys and activities picking up- things you never thought you would have to participate in. That is also because of the Hanged Man who comes to tell you that certain things have to be planned well in advance to avoid troubles. Otherwise it is a good time for most other things in life- relationships, money, family and social life.


    Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated over many things could be the norm in the coming days. The Ten of Swords shows over thinking and multitasking at the mental level, which can make you feel like you are losing it over the simplest of things. However, through it all, you have great clarity about how things should be done. So plan your days and leave nothing to chance. The Ace of Swords is indicative of this, while there are ample opportunities for the children.


    The Wheel of Fortune tells you that things are on the upswing and if they have not been, then that is definitely changing in the coming days ahead. Your tendency to be aggressive needs to be kept in reign or you will undo all that good work being done on you. Let bygones be bygones and try not to be judgmental. There is good work coming along for you and for those close to you and might even require a change of residence.


    A week of achievements driven by the younger lot of people, you could be mentoring those that you have a lot of interactions with. The Knight of Wands suggests work takes priority when it comes to spending time and this not only enhances the bursts of creativity, but also brings creative endeavors that will see the light of day. You could also be starting something new- as the Page of Cups suggests- and this could take about four to five months to materialise.


    Do watch out for changes in mental well-being as the moon influences your thoughts. The Moon card is temperamental, and you will find yourself under the grip of a waning of the moon. It is a passing phase, so keep your calm and draw the energies of the moon to materialise what you want. The Queen of Wands shows a person in command of things around, and so long as you do not play into the moods of people, you're good to go.


    There is a thin line between being bound and being bonded. You are feeling both sides of the coin this week as you think about what your situation is when it comes to the home front. The Devil plays the advocate here showing you two sides of the same coin and what you will eventually do with it will determine the state of your personal life. The Ten of Cups indicate the propensity to build a good home with happy people.


    It is not that you are not giving it your all- it is just the feeling of being so alone in this big world that you feel separated from your physical self. The Hermit is a card that indicates ploughing a lonely furrow. The Divine is walking every step as you complete important tasks this week to the best of your abilities. It is a week of giving- of yourself, of money and your time and the Six of Pentacles reinforces that.


    If you have a partner, you will be in a mood to get into a fight right now. It is not that there is no love, but time seems to foster a bit of hostility about every aspect of your shared life. The Two of Cups, while showing plenty of togetherness, also shows the emotional quotient that will bring about quarrelling. The Five of Wands brings with it a hostile environment. There is much heat being generated by saying things you don’t mean.

    Chitra Mahesh
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